Course code: AGR130
Title: Environmental Implications of Agriculture
Semester: Fall 2021
Credits: 3
Delivery mode: In-person, Mondays and Thursdays 15:00-16:29
Classroom: NIC 215
Pre-requisite: None

Course description:
When agricultural operations are sustainably managed, they preserve and even restore critical habitats, protect watersheds, and maintain soil health and water quality. On the other hand, some of the negative environmental impacts from unsustainable farming practices include: land conversion, deforestation and habitat loss, wasteful water consumption, soil erosion and degradation, pollution and contaminated runoff, climate change, genetic erosion, loss of resilience, toxicity to pollinators and other critical ecosystem damage. This course will expose students to both positive and negative environmental implications of agriculture. It will also introduce various indicators of environmental impact based on farmers’ production methods, and the effects these methods have on the environment. The goal is an introductory ability to assess environmental impact at the farm level.